Omega BD develops complex business applications in a unique way.
Thanks to this, our clients get their tailor-made solutions at least 3 times faster.
Thanks to this, they use the software they need and when they need it.
Thanks to this, they achieve better business results.
For us, every client is special and that goes for their business processes, as well. Consequently, one-size-fits-all software solutions cannot really solve their problems. That is why custom-made software is a must. The path to custom-made software should be fast, comfortable and economical. Otherwise, solving their issues will be late, laborious and unprofitable.
Since 2014, we have been perfecting and applying our own methodology and tools for the development of business applications. We do this in cooperation with companies and institutions such as Coca Cola Hellenic, DHL, Adiko Bank, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, etc.
Therefore, our clients can count on our accumulated knowledge and experience that we incorporate into all our products.
One of the characteristics of our methodology is that we simultaneously analyze a client's problem and develop software prototypes. The client is actively involved at all times as we need them to describe their problem, business processes, comment on prototypes, and participate in the testing of each version. Based on their comments, a new version of the prototype is made that is closer to the final solution and the process is repeated until the final version of the prototype becomes the final version of the application that is ready for use and maintenance.
Business environments can change which often causes changes in software requirements. Therefore, it is important that the application can be adapted effectively even after its use and maintenance. In practice, this means that at any moment we can start a new round of developments. The development and testing of applications are performed in separate environments, which enables unhindered use of its current version until a new one (an upgrade) is fully refined and tested.
It is important to point out that the same people who analyze client's business processes directly participate in the creation of prototypes. In this way, the efficiency of the development is further increased as they receive first-hand feedback from the client.
Unlike the usual approach to software development, where a specification is prepared first and the software is developed only subsequently, through our methodology, the specification is derived from the development of prototypes and is a part of deliverables at the end of the project. Experience has shown that it is much easier for the client to test prototypes than to read project documents and, based on technical specifications, to recognize whether a software solution will meet their needs.
The main advantages of our methodology are:
The essential step in this methodology is the development of a prototype - to complete the job successfully, this development must be extremely fast so as not to slow down the entire business process. We can achieve this due to our innovative "low code" Omega Workflow Manager platform.
The "low code" concept certainly belongs to the future of software development. Therefore, various tools based on this principle can be found on the market. This has been recognized by all major software manufacturers who incorporate this approach into their solutions. However, none of them has established themselves as dominant and there are many areas and cases not covered by the "big players".
Therefore, we developed Omega Workflow Manager from the scratch, using open source tools. We were not limited by legacy technologies, concepts, deadlines and other obstacles faced by big players. On the other hand, we have good ideas, an experienced development team, plenty of time and constant response from developers who use our solutions to solve specific problems.
Omega Workflow Manager combines the "no code" and "code" principles in a unique way. For example, it allows the developer to develop not only an application for the user, but also to create new tools for themselves without any additional programming. We can say that our platform is developing itself.
Ready-made applications can be installed on our infrastructure and used by the client as a separate service (SaaS). There is also the option to install them on the client's infrastructure.
These are some of the companies and institutions that have put their trust in us.
Some of the areas covered by our solutions developed on the Omega Workflow Manager platform are, as follows:
Almost all businesses today are under pressure to cut costs. At the same time, many people need better systems for faster reactions to rapid changes in business environments..
This document shows how a major cable TV, Internet and telecommunication operator found cost-effective ways to expand their existing infrastructure by implementing the Omega Workflow Manager application.
The goal of this complex EU-funded project is to significantly support the Serbian judiciary system by replacing the existing case management system with a new centralized one. The new system (SAPS – Standardized Application of the Serbian Judiciary) enables full digitization of court processes, automation of court case processing and supports cooperation between interested parties, such as courts, prosecutor's offices, lawyers, etc.
A natural strategic partner we have been cooperating with for many years is the Faculty of Organizational Sciences from Belgrade. Among other things, Omega Workflow Manager is used for teaching purposes, final-year students are actively involved in projects, apply what they have learned, and gain valuable experience. Collaborating with this Faculty ensures that our platform incorporates the latest concepts from IT and process organization, which is critical for a tool intended to build business applications. Also, in this way, a continuous flow of developers trained to use the Omega Workflow Manager platform is ensured. Hereby we effectively bypass the problem of the lack of developers on the market.
countries where our clients are located
people directly or indirectly use our applications
clients come to us by recommendation